Lagos in Portugal is a city steeped in history, boasting a diverse past that reflects the influence of various civilizations. From its ancient origins to its role in the age of exploration Lagos has experienced many moments of triumph. Today, it stands as a living testament to its remarkable heritage, inviting travelers to immerse themselves in its captivating past and vibrant present. 

Ancient Origins:

The history of Lagos can be traced back to ancient times when it was known as Lacobriga, a settlement established by the Carthaginians around 2000 BC. The Phoenicians and Greeks also left their mark on the region, engaging in trade and establishing commercial connections with other Mediterranean civilizations.

Roman Influence:

Lacobriga came under Roman rule in the 2nd century BC and was integrated into the province of Lusitania. During this period, the city thrived as an important maritime centre and gained strategic importance due to its natural harbor. The Romans constructed defensive walls, bridges, and public buildings, some of which can still be seen today, showcasing their architectural expertise.

Moorish Rule:

In the early 8th century, the Moors invaded the Iberian Peninsula and took control of Lagos. Under their rule, the city flourished as an essential port for maritime trade between North Africa and the rest of Europe. The Moors left an indelible cultural influence on Lagos, evident in the architecture, art, and agricultural practices that still resonate in the region.

The Age of Exploration:

During the 15th century, Portugal emerged as a major naval power, and Lagos played a pivotal role in the era of exploration. It was from Lagos that many notable Portuguese explorers, such as Gil Eanes and Prince Henry the Navigator, set sail on their voyages of discovery. Lagos became a bustling maritime city, fostering a spirit of adventure and innovation.

Modern Lagos:

Throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, Lagos continued to evolve, embracing tourism and fishing as key economic activities. The city’s historic center was preserved, and its cultural heritage attracted visitors from all over the world. Today, Lagos remains a popular tourist destination, offering a delightful mix of history, natural beauty, and a vibrant contemporary culture.